Using Essential Oils

Essential Oil

This is the guide for essential oils and aromatherapy. Relax with the pleasant scents they can provide you and the whole family!


Interest in essential oils and their uses has become commonplace. We use them for almost everything you can think of! The right combinations can induce a relaxed state before falling asleep at night, or energize us for a pick me up during the day. There are thousands of combinations you can use and ways to use them once they are mixed up.

Enjoy more peaceful nights when you add a lavender aromatherapy to the nightly routine for your children. It works for adults as well! And pets also benefit from the calming scents of a blend made especially for them. The calming or energizing scents will fill you with relaxation, or clearer thinking depending on which you choose. Meditation is made more calming when you put your favorite blend in the diffuser and enjoy the relaxing benefits of scent.

There are also suggestions for using them in everyday things like personal care and cleaning in the home.


This little book is to introduce you to the world of essential oils and aromatherapy for everyday use. Many oils influence how we feel just by breathing in their scents. I am going to attempt to introduce you to favorites and mixes that we use to unwind and energize during the day.

It is important when you use essential oils to have a little information on them and how they work before attempting your own combinations. Go with the ones that are already out there and get used to mixing them for your personal use.

Blends for stress, some illness helpers, better sleep and more at your fingertips in this little book that you will certainly enjoy adding to your busy daily life at work and at home!


How to Use Essential Oils

Some Popular Mixes

Combinations by Category:







For Pets

Added to Food and Drinks

For General Cleaning

Skin Care

Before we get into the specific blends you may want to try; there are several ways that you can use the oils and spread their amazing scents in your home. Instead of listing every type with each mix, they are all here, and you can decide which way might be better for you to use.

Tea light and tart burner is one way that you can get the scent in the room. Use as if you were using a tart to melt with the following change: In the melter, put a few tablespoons of water, then a few drops of your favorite scent or mix. Light the candle and enjoy. Use this method only when you can be home to monitor the candle and liquid on the burner.

Reed Diffuser: this is generally a small bottle that you put reeds in that absorb the scents from the water/scent mix in the water.  There are lots of different reeds that are used to spread the scents around, and they have the advantage of being able to be left unattended.

Atomizer: This is a small bottle with a sprayer top. Fill the bottle about halfway with water, then a little alcohol, add a few drops of your favorite scents or combinations and spray in the room, or on your skin for some cooling and calmness. You can carry this with you too for a spritz (shake well first) whenever you may want to use it.

Electric Diffuser:This is a device made to spread the scents throughout the room you are in. It is a specialty item. Generally, you put a small amount of water in them, then a few drops of your oil scent, plug it in and let it go! They use vibration to work and shut off when they are empty, so there is no danger of a fire starting with one of these.

For personal use, a locket made with a small piece of fabric in it that can be on a bracelet or necklace is a handy thing to have. You can put a drop on the fabric, and smell it anytime you need a pick me up.

The combination of scents is limited only by your imagination! What smells great to you might be just what you have been looking for; we are all different with our needs. Start small, with a couple scents and try them out as you go.

The following is a guide for you to start with when you are figuring out how much you want to use at a time. It is recommended you start with only a drop or two and see how it resonates with you before adding or subtracting to refine the scents you are looking for. The guidelines listed for the combinations are merely that, a guide for you to follow but that doesn’t mean it is absolute.

Enjoy your experimenting and see how many of these combinations you enjoy. You might even gain enough interest to sell your special blends! That might be a very popular option once you have found blends that you and others like to use.

Popular Blends to Try

Everyone can use a nicely scented spray to help with stressful situations. No matter where you are, try this one out in an atomizer for quick pick me up or in a necklace. Lavender, peppermint, and tea tree oil 2 drops each (in an atomizer) water and alcohol to full. Shake well before using. Use on skin, neck, anywhere you gather stress.  To use in a scent locket, in a small bottle mix the oils with neutral oil like olive oil. Keep it in a bottle to drop on your pendant whenever you feel the need, oruse in a diffuser if you prefer.

During the cold season, this mix might help boost your immune system, and it is also good for busting germs in the air when used in a diffuser.  2-3 drops each: Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Geranium, Lemon, Ginger, Clary Sage, Rosemary. Use your favorite method of diffusing, or add to your hand sanitizer (without the water and alcohol) drops in and shake well.

Need a quick pick me up in the morning or at the end of a long day? 2-3 drops each of the following mix as a pick me up! Grapefruit, Jasmine, Pine, Lemon, Geranium, Cinnamon, Clove, and Ginger. Spritz to wake up the air around you.

Experiment, try new combinations! You will find that your nose will tell you what a good blend is for you! There are thousands of combinations on the market, but if you can buy the individual oils and mix your own, it is more cost effective since they last a long time.  Store them in a cool place away from light, and they will last a long time for you.

Any of the combinations here will most likely need a neutral oil to mix them with if you are using them on the skin instead of in an atomizer. You can use olive oil, almond oil, coconut oil or any light neutral oil (one with no scent or a hint of scent) for applying on the skin, or as massage oil.

Combinations by Category:


Colds are something most everyone can catch, especially if it is damp and cold at certain times of the year where you live. The formulas here are made to be used in a diffuser, atomizer, or personal jewelry. Feel free to use them in other applications that you may think of to experiment with!

2 drops eucalyptus, 1 drop peppermint (optional), 2 drops orange.  For the atomizer put water in the bottle about halfway, alcohol ¼ of the way to filling then add the oils and shake after putting the top on. Spray on wrists, clothing, as needed to help congestion. Add to 1 ounce of a carrier oil to use under your nose and behind the ears as needed. In a room, add to the water of your diffuser to help anyone in the room.

2 drops each of Tea Tree, Pine, Lavender, and Peppermint used in an atomizer, or diffused is great for clearing the air and congestion. Can be mixed with a carrier oil for use on the chest, under the nose, and behind the ears.

2 – 3 Drops each of Thyme, Lemon, Eucalyptus and Rosemary for congestion and clearing the air in an atomizer or diffuser, also good for use in a carrier oil for topical use.


Common allergy triggers are:

·         Pollen

·         Certain Foods

·         Insect Stings/ Bites

·         Pet Dander

·         Dust (see pet dander)

·         Mold

Those are the most common allergy producers. In the case of a SEVERE REACTION, HOWEVER, SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION.

Peppermint: Peppermint aids in clearing congestion also helps with headaches

Lavender: Antihistamine and anti-inflammatory, good for insect bites when applied to the skin.

Clove: Oil of Clove is known for its antiseptic,antifungal, antiviral,antimicrobial, and stimulant properties.  Mixed with carrier oil, it makes a warm massage for sore muscles.

Frankincense: Frankincense used topically or ingested. Great for wound treatment. It also relieves coughing and swollen nasal passages.

Tea Tree: Tea Tree NOT to be ingested! Topical use or diffuser only!  Adding to hair shampoo repels and kills head lice, also kills mites in eyelashes and beards.

Lemon: Lemon is notable for the ability to clean toxins from the body. There are numerous benefits including nausea relief, purification, promoting weight loss,improves digestion, and cough relief. The scent of lemon is more traditional in conjunction with household and body cleansers

Lemongrass: Lemongrass is a skin application oil and needs to be diluted with a carrier oil because it might cause an unwanted reaction and even irritation if used in a pure state. A common mix is a lemongrass, two drops to 1 tsp of neutral oil.This oil can be used as a muscle relaxer.  Apply the diluted mixture of lemongrass for instant relief of tension.  In the case of allergy-related or sinus headaches; rub the diluted lemongrass on your temples. This is very helpful when peppermint oil isn’t an option.


·         For seasonal allergies, try 20 drops of tea tree oil and 40 drops lemon oil in a 16 oz. spray bottle almost fill the bottle with water and add a tbsp. of white vinegar. Shake and spray in the house to knock down pollen

·         For an allergy rub: 3 drops peppermint, eucalyptus, and lavender in one tsp of carrier oil. Massage on temples, behind the ears and on the bottom of your feet. You can also make this into a roll on to carry with you!

Food Allergies: For mild stomach upsets, there are several things you can try. But in case OF A SEVERE REACTION, GO TO THE NEAREST EMERGENCY ROOM!

·         Peppermint oil: One or two drops in hot tea, or water and sip slowly for digestive upsets.

·         Lemon Oil: works like peppermint oil, 3 drops in water and sip for stomach upsets. If there is nausea, add a drop or two of ginger oil to either oil.

Pet Dander:

Many people are allergic to the dander in their pet’s hair. The following is a simple formula to put in a spray bottle to relieve some of the irritation. It also works for spraying on fabrics and furniture, much like a popular trigger spray that boasts allergy relief.

You will need:

One trigger spray bottle that has been rinsed thoroughly to remove traces of what was in it. A good size is 16 ounces. Then put 8 oz. water, 4 oz. alcohol (rubbing alcohol or 100 proof vodka) then:

·         5 drops tea tree oil

·         5 drops lavender oil

·         5 drops pine oil

Put the top on the bottle and shake well before using. A light mist is all that is needed for a fresh smell and dust reduction.  You can experiment with the strength you might want, like more lavender for a calming scent for people and pets.

Pain Relief

·         Tea Tree:  NOT to be ingested! Topical, diffuser, roll on only--antiseptic, anti-itch

·         Pine: known for being invigorating, refreshing, and cleansing. When topically used it is a natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. Thus, it may be used as a natural substitute for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin, ibuprofen, and Naprosyn. This makes it great for reducing joint pain when used in a carrier oil for massage.

·         Lavender: Antihistamine and anti-inflammatory, nice in a carrier oil, 3 drops each Lavender, Pine and Peppermint as a muscle rub. Can also be used in a roll on when added to a carrier oil. Also, good for headache relief.

·         Clove: it is used for skin afflictions,dental care, candida yeast,acne, insect repellant, massage oil, and more. Clove makes a nice massage oil once mixed with a carrier- 3 drops per teaspoon of carrier oil like coconut oil.

·         Frankincense: great for wound treatment. It also relieves coughing and swollen nasal passages. Can be ingested with pine and lavender 3 drops each in I teaspoon of carrier oil. For congestion and minor muscle pain, and headache, repeat as often as needed.

·         Peppermint: Aids with headaches, 5 drops each in a carrier oil, use in a roll on as often as needed.

·         Thyme: Circulation, Immune System: Some of the volatile components of thyme oil are excellent in helping the immune system with antibacterial and antifungal uses. Skin Health: helps heal wounds and lessen scars, moisturize the skin and minimize the look of acne. Antispasmodic- stomach cramps, coughs, and even muscle cramps.

·         Lemongrass: diluted with a carrier oil 3 drops lemongrass to a teaspoon of carrier oil to massage sore muscles and tendons. Here is a simple pain relief rub on you can make yourself:

·         10 to 15 drops of lemongrass essential oil

·         A carrier oil

·         10 ml rollerball

·         Clove essential oil





Something most of the world suffers from at one time or another! The office dealings of a high-pressure job, even a waiter or waitress can suffer from tension! The stay at home mom has her fair share of tension in her day trying to keep up with her kids and theireveryday activities!

Even the high school student, under pressure for studies; or an important milestone. Everyone can benefit! Put some in the diffuser for a whole room or office relief, or an atomizer, or even a personal pendant.

Lavender and peppermint: two drops lavender and one of peppermint in a diffuser can calm a whole room down and help with relaxation. In a personal pendant, it is great for public places where you are unable to use another means.

Orange, lavender and peppermint, two drops each orange and lavender and one of peppermint: diffuse, or personal pendant for a tension tamer with a pick me up.

Oregano, thyme, and lavender: Two drops Oregano, one for lavender and thyme for fewer germs in the workplace when there is no way to open windows and air out the room.

Lilac and lavender: one drop lilac and two of lavender. You can use Lily instead or rose if you find the first one too strong. Experiment to find your particular blend!



Everyone deserves to have a restful night’s sleep! Man, Woman or Child!  Make up an atomizer, or use the diffuser with the following rest inducing oils. Everyone can benefit from more relaxation before bedtime!

Lavender, Rose, a little oregano oil in a spritzer,or diffuser, sprayed lightly on the pillow before bed and allowed to dry gives a peaceful and restful scent for sweet dreams. Try it in a bath for yourself or your children as well.  3 drops Lavender and Rose, one drop of oregano oil in either of the above uses.

Do you have a child with nightmares? Maybe they are afraid for one reason or another to go to bed alone?

Monster Away Potionis your answer! In a small spray bottle combine Lavender, Rose, Peppermint- three drops lavender and rose, start with one drop of peppermint, and you can add more if you want to. Make up a saying to chase the monsters off and say it as you spray the closet, windows, under the bed, and on the pillow. If your child has a special stuffed toy, make it a guardian by spraying it as well! Alternatively, make a roll on for more personal use.

The trick is finding exactly which essential oil you like best. Everyone is different, so the oil that sends your friend off to deep sleep may not do a thing for you. Finding the best oil or combination for you just takes a little bit of experimenting. Once you find that amazing combination, your life (and family’s) will never be the same.

Lavender: Calming for both humans and animals, this is a most agreeable scent in many applications, especially restful sleep. Use it alone in a diffuser, spray or roll-on 3-4 drops plus the carrier oil, or in the water.

Chamomile: Has a mild, flowery scent and is lovely for a peaceful vibe in your bedroom. Use with the lavender, one drop at a time until you find the right combination.

Bergamot:  Bright, and relaxing at once. Citrus like orange, lemon or grapefruit. Add to the above as well if you enjoy the smell of it.

Cedarwood:  Has an earthy, woody smell like the forest. Relaxing and can be used with any of the above or alone.

The above are suggestions, and you will have to experiment with what you enjoy, and which combinations are the best for you to relax and enjoy a good night's rest.



In this world loaded with stress and emotions, it is always a good thing to have some calming scents around you to take the edge off in a hectic workplace or to relax with when you are home, and it is time to unwind and enjoy your time with family. There are a few that even work to help our pets in times of stress (more on that later). There are many that carry the claim of calming, but for the sake of time, I will tell you about the most popular ones around.

·         Rose: the best of the oils to help with all stress issues

·         Frankincense: relaxing and aromatic

·         Lavender: soothing; builds solidarity and strength

·         Marjoram: helps to lessen pain and grief and strong emotions

·         Bergamot: calming; relieves mild anxiety

·         Vetiver: restores a sense of grounding

·         Chamomile: calming, soothing, medicinal

·         Lemon: gentle and refreshing

·         Geranium: cheery; helps to improve downward spiraling moods

·         Fennel: helps you be kind to yourself

·         Cinnamon: its sweetness invites you to love what you do for work

·         Ylang Ylang: releases anger and frustration

Mix and match the oils according to your needs, diffuse them, soak in the bath with a few drops of each, or one or two favorites. Once you find the magic mixture, make up a roll on to take with you when you leave home so you have a calming scent wherever you might go!


Even our children can benefit from the use of oils for their everyday experiences, especially when they are in school and the demands of a schedule with homework, maybe after school activities? Calming down while getting ready for the night’s sleep can be a hard thing for even kids to do without some help.

Lavender is good for all kinds of things when it is paired up with other oils, with any kind of mix, start small instead of overwhelming the senses. Lemon and the other citrus oils are great for study time as they awaken the brain.

Any of the combinations you would use will help out the younger members of the family as well. Add some of the oils with antibacterial properties to help with repelling colds they might bring home from school with them.

Makeuproll-ons for them if they have favorites they enjoy so they can carry it with them! Show them that they can relax when things get too intense by enjoying their special scents any time they want to.

For Pets

Yes! Our pets can also benefit from essential oils that they can smell when they are anxious or scared. Lavender is popular, in a diffuser in the room, in a spritzer for light spray on the coat, or on your hand before stroking your upset pet. Lavender also helps with anxiety when the pet is left alone.

Use one of the antibacterial oils in a spray bottle (only one or two drops) to use on their feet after a trip to the dog park or returning from a walk to soothe and sanitize against tracking diseases that can harm your pet if they catch them.  Anything we can do to prevent our pets from catching something and becoming sick is worth a try!

A few drops of tea tree oil in the shampoo will help with itchy dry skin. Blue dish soap and lavender are good for killing fleas, wet pet’s coat and work up a lather, let it sit for 10 minutes before rinsing and your fleas should be gone! Repeat as needed or in addition to another prevention method.

You will have a clean, sweet-smelling pet with the bonus of being calmer thanks to the lavender! You can try other oils in your arsenal too; just start small just in case it is a smell your pet doesn't enjoy. Do not use around birds or reptiles as topical applications or in their food with the delicate systems they have; it could be lethal to them. Not much is known about the feathered and scaled division when it comes to pets.

Added to Food and Drinks

Many essential oils can be used in food and drinks. Use moderation when first starting out, so you don't overdo the experiment. Start out with one drop to a quart of liquids, lavender in lemonade is amazing. Peppermint in tea hot or cold, again start with a drop to a quart since it can’t be broken down any further and a drop in a regular cup is way too strong for most people. Use the citrus like grapefruit, lemon, orange to accent a glass of soda or iced tea. Peppermint, lavender, or lemon is a nice addition to a cake frosting, or in the cake batter itself.

Oregano, thyme, marjoram, clove, ginger and much more can be used in recipes calling for them if you don’t have the ground versions. Again, start with a drop and do it by taste. You can add them to water if you enjoy the taste by itself as well. The only limit when it comes to the oils you can eat is your imagination and experimentation to get the taste just right in dishes and drinks!

Try adding the ginger and cinnamon to batter for French toast and a little vanilla for an amazing breakfast or brunch.

Make sure that oils used in food are food grade oils!

For General Cleaning:

There are many oils that can be used foreveryday cleaning in the home and leave it smelling amazing as well as fighting germs on surfaces and in the air. There are too many to list in one place, so these are just the popular ones. Feel free to experiment!

·         Cleaner dishes: A few drops of lemon oil to the dishwasher or sink before washing for a clean rinse.

·         Get rid of shoe smell: Remove the smell from shoes, with a few drops of tea tree and lemon oil

·         Detoxify the air: Peppermint and eucalyptus oil to a gallon of paint takes care of fumes.

·         Eliminate smoke: To be rid of cigarette smoke, four drops of tea tree, rosemary, and eucalyptus oil in a spray bottle of water to spray around the room or rooms.

·         Bathroom Freshener: A ball of cotton soaked in lemon oil behind the toilet for a bathroom freshener.

·         Clean kitchen smell: A few drops of clove and a citrus oil in a steaming pan of water gets rid of cooking odors.

·         Washing Vegetables and fruit: For cleaning produce, add several drops of lemon oil to a large bowl of water before washing your veggies.

·         Freshen trash can: Add a piece of absorbent fabric with a few drops of tea tree oil and lemon oil placed on the bottom of the can helps to cut the odor.

·         Bathtub scrub: ½ cup baking soda and 5 drops lime oil; as a scrub for a bathtub or sink.

·         Eliminate mold: tea tree oil in your diffuser to kill mold and other germs in the air.

·         Kill pests: Spray clove and orange oil for killing pests

·         Clean burnt pans: several dropslemon oil and boiling water helpto remove burnt food from pots and pans.

·         Stop scum in the shower: Get a spray bottle, the medium size is good. Fill with water and add several drops oftea tree oil andeucalyptus in the water before spraying in the shower, as an organic way to fight mold.

·         In the washer: Add 20 drops per load of your oil of choice to each load you do instead of scented softener.

·         Clean the air: Diffuse peppermint,lemon,cinnamon, or tea tree essential oil in the air for their anti-germ abilities.

·         Natural bug repellent: Combine one drop of citronella, lemongrass, and eucalyptus oil with coconut oil for a natural bug repellent to rub on skin. Apply when needed.

·         Sports gear:  two drops each of lemon and tea tree essential oil in about ¼ gallon warm water; add ¼ cup of baking soda and shake. Use to clean smelly jerseys, cleats and sports gear.

·         All-purpose cleaner: three drops each of tea tree and lemon oil to several ounces of warm water, use in a spray bottle to naturally disinfect counters.


Skin and Personal Care

·         Cellulite reduction: Mix ten drops of grapefruit oil with two tablespoons of coconut oil and massage into problem areas.

·         Fresh breath: Use a drop of peppermint oil in water as a rinse for fresher breath.

·         Acne wash: To rid your skin of acne, get tea tree oil, a few drops of unprocessed honey and apply to your face. Rinse with water.

·         Shampoo: To make shampoo, mix aloe vera gel, lavender, rosemary oil, and coconut milk. Use as you would hair shampoo.

·         Toothpaste: Fine sea salt, coconut oil, baking soda, and xylitol (for sweetness) with peppermint essential oil to make your own remineralizing toothpaste.

·         Body Spray: Add 10 drops of your favorite scent to four ounces of water for a fragrant body spray.

·         Body scrub: Mix a few drops of a favorite oil, almond oil and sugar for your own sugar body scrub.

·         Thicker hair: Add rosemary to your favorite shampoo to naturally thicken hair

·         Strengthen nails: Mix 5 drops each of frankincense, lemon and myrrh essential oil into a tablespoon of vitamin E oil, then massage into cuticles.

·         Itchy scalp: Add a few drops of cedarwood, lavender or basil oil to your shampoo for less itching.

·         Wrinkle reducer: 5 drops of geranium, sandalwood, frankincense and lavender essential oils with unscented lotion and apply to face. Avoid skin around the eyes.

·         Fade stretch marks:  five drops each of myrrh;frankincense, and grapefruit essential oils to a tablespoon of coconut oil and apply often.

·         Relieve nausea:Breathe in peppermint oil through your nose; you can put a drop under your nose. Ginger and lavender put on wrists and temples can also bring relief

·         Skin Tightener: One cup of water and add two drops each of geranium, frankincense, and lavender, apply liberally avoiding eyes.

·         Fade age spots:Frankincense essential oil applied to the spots directly to improve sun and age spots. Use 3 times a day.

We hope you have enjoyed this little insight into essential oils and some of the many ways they can be used in everyday life for many applications that most wouldn’t think of using them for. Enjoy and remember, you are only limited by your imagination when it comes to mixing your own custom scents!

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